Use What You Have –
Perfectly coordinated
We understand the desire of our customers for uncomplicated and customized solutions from a single source.
- You'd like to use existing equipment in combination with new?
- You'd like to decide for yourself which components to use, regardless of the manufacturer?
With BlueVIS bioprocess software, it is possible to connect new and old equipment equally easily, regardless of the manufacturer.
Additionally to this, our "Use What You Have" portfolio offers you pre-selected components to easily complete your gas analysis process – all directly from BlueSens and perfectly coordinated.
Just click through the components of the setup pictured here and find out more.
Do you need a complete system, or just individual components? We will be happy to put together your individual package. Click on the components in the image to the right to see details.
Software BlueVIS
- Software licenses for 4 fermenters, connectivities RS232, Modbus RTU, ModBus TCP, OPC, analog
Peristaltic pump FPP1
- peristaltic pump 0-85 ml/min
- RS485 ModBus
Peristaltic pump FPP1
- peristaltic pump 0-85 ml/min
- RS485 ModBus
Balance/s PCD up to 10kg
Balance/s PCD up to 10kg
Mass flow controller GSC
- 0-600ml/min
- ModbusRTU
- D-Sub 9-pol
- G ¼“
- air, N2, O2
Mass flow controller GSC
- 0-600ml/min
- ModbusRTU
- D-Sub 9-pol
- G ¼“
- air, N2, O2
Mass flow controller GSC
- 0-600ml/min
- ModbusRTU
- D-Sub 9-pol
- G ¼“
- air, N2, O2
Your Fermenter
All components shown can be used with fermenters of all manufacturers.
Of course, we can organize the suitable vessels for you.
Contact us! We´ll be happy to help
Fermenter head plate
Stainless steel head plate for fermenter
Agitator motor FSM1
- agitator motor for fermenter up to 4L
- 24 V DC
- up to 800rpm (depending on viscosity)
Gas Analyzers
Probes pH, O2
We offer among others selected pH and O2 probes from Hamilton. If you want to connect other probes, we will be glad to assist you.
Of course, we offer matching small accessories such as hose connectors, bushings, nuts, gaskets, etc. for all products.