Experience modern off-gas analysis

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March 6, 10am CET, Online,


BlueSens – experts in off-gas analysis for every fermentation process

We're the experts in off-gas analysis. 

BlueSens offers reliable, accurate and precise off-gas analyzers made in Germany. Only high-quality components are used to build our sensors. BlueSens offers single gas analyzers for CO2, O2, H2, CH4, (BCP-series) as well as combined units (BlueInOne & BlueVary) for gas combinations CO2/O2, CH4/CO2 & CO2/H2. Analyzers provide PAT-conforming online measurements in real-time.

All sensors deliver continuous off-gas data. Sampling is no longer required. BlueSens analyzers can operate in fully humidity-saturated gas streams and require no pretreatment of the gas stream. No minimum or maximum flow rates are necessary.  Digital and analog data communication is standard with all sensors and requiring no additional hardware. Offering a variety of connections BlueSens sensors can be operated with fermenters from all manufacturers with vessel volumes from shake flask up to manufacturing scale systems. BlueSens off-gas analyzers are in use with cell culture and microbial fermentations and suitable for use single use bioreactors (SUB) & fermenters (SUF).

Other products:

Yieldmaster – fully automated BMP determination

BlueVCount – gas counter for high and low gas flows

YeastForce – gas volume determination (e.g. raising power in doughs)

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