Firmware Updates
Changes in BlueVary Firmware. Update to Version 3.2.18 now!
This update is mandatory before using new cartridges. If you have 3.1.7 please update! Description of installation procedure included in zip-file.
IMPORTANT: After installing firmware version 3.2.18, you cannot downgrade yourself anymore.
- Modbus TCP supports configuration via DHCP
- Additional registers added for Modbus
- Detailed display of cartridge properties
- Improved stability when connecting via Modbus TCP
- 2 connections possible in parallel when connecting via Modbus TCP
- IMPORTANT: After installing firmware version 3.2.18, you cannot downgrade yourself anymore.
- Improvements of usability and stability on the Modbus interfaces
- Correction of display of sensor information
- Correction of 2-point reset functionality
- Replication of Modbus-RTU registers to region 40001 and above for enhanced compatibility with programmable logic controllers.
- Improved compatibility for Modbus-RTU.
- Adjustments of the internal communication due to firmware changes in the cartridges.
- Troubleshooting when using pressure cartridges.
- Extended starting procedure determining that the connected cartridges are compatible.
– 1. If cartridges for corrosive gases (e.g. biogas) are connected together with cartridges which are not suitable for this purpose there is an error message which can be overruled by the admin user.
– 2. If cartridges for combustible gases (e.g. CH4) are connected together with cartridges which are a potential ignition source (e.g. O2Zr), an error message is displayed and the ignition source is switched off. - No values are displayed or outputted via the data interfaces during the heating phase.
- Solution to stability problems on the Modbus interfaces.
- Correction of inconsistencies in the write authorization on Modbus-TCP.
- Optimization of the menu and the serial output.
- Activation of the external 1-point input via the menu.
- Additional improvements to display of sensor information.
Current download files
Download zip file
Inside is an exe file and instructions what to do.
If you have troubles with downloading .exe files please use this download and follow the instructions of the ReadMe file.
Download zip with dat file
Inside is a read-me how to rename the dat to .exe and instructions for the firmware update.
Pump (FPP1) and stirrer (FSM1)
Changes in firmware for stirrer (FSM1) and pump (FPP1)
Firmware version 1.012 – valid for stirrer AND pump.
After upgrading the FSM1 firmware to versions 1.012 or newer, the motor driver has to be calibrated once. If the calibration has been run, no further calibration will needed after subsequent upgrades.
You can find the instructions in the download button below.
- Motor target speed settable as float value
- FSM1: Improved motor speed control
Current download files
Download zip file
Inside are the firmware file and needed update software.