BCP Sensors
BlueSens BCP sensors are designed to measure in gas phase, exclusively.
Sensors are short-term protected by hydrophobic filters but you should avoid penetration of liquids.
Sensor elements are heated before use so condensation can be avoided.
Sensors are calibrated on dry test gases and will give lower values when used with humid gases. This is known as the dilution effect which is influenced by temperature only. You will find an easy calculation for humidity compensation in the manual.
In combination with BlueVCount the gas volume can be determined.
BCP sensors are delivered with an 8 pin M12 plug. A fiitting M12 socket which you can wire up according to your needs is inclueded in the delivery. Communication can run via serial RS-232 protocol. Analog output of the measured values via 4-20mA is possible as well.
We offer a direct connection via serial RS-232 USB cable with seperate power supply for our sensors. You can run up to 12 sensors using a BACcom multiplexer Box using TCP/IP or RS-232 alternatively.
Yes, we can do that, but you need to send the sensor to our facility in Herten, Germany
This happens when the sensor has not been heated before use. Please connect the sensor to the power supply and wait for one hour. After this the sensor should give a proper signal.
Detector elements and IR light sources are limited in lifetime. Therefore sensors should be calibrated at BlueSens once a year. That way you can maintain the high measuring quality of your sensor.
Filters and sealings in your sensor are very durable and made from high quality material. They will be checked in the regluarey mainentance. In addition to that you should check them when performing the 1-point calibration and whenever they might be dirty. You will find a detailed protocol for changing them in your manual.
We just need your sensor. Cable, flow adapter etc have to be sent only if you wish that we check it.
Sensors should be calibrated performing a 1-point calibration at least once per month. In addition they should be send in for on-site maintenance once per year. Then we suggest that you perform a 1-point calibration before every calibration.
To peform 1-point calibration you have to heat your sensor for one hour. While you do this the sensor should be exposed to the correct calibration gas. You can find the right gas in the data sheet belonging to your device. Afterwards you can initiate the calibration. Find detailed information in your manual. If you need help, please don´t hesitate to contact us.
Yes, we offer multiple options of mechanical connections and flow adapters to ensure easy connection to all types of fermenters and vessels. Even connection to single-use vessels is unproblematic. We offer various connections like TriClamp, 1 1/4" nozzle or flow adapters for smaller fermenters. We just need the inner diamter (soft tubes) or the outer diameter (hard tubes or metal pipes). Contact us!
This error occurs when the sensor needs to be heated up. Please wait for one hour after connecting the sensor to electricity supply. Afterwards it should work properly.
Inside the sensor there is an IR (infrared) light source, the detector and electronic parts. IR lightbeam will be reflected by the gas filled measuring adapter. Light is weakened by the analyte gas and will be measured by the detector.
The BCP-CH4 works on NDIR measuring principe which shows principle based cross sensitivity to other hydrocarbons. Because reference wave length is close to the CO2 absorption band the sensor shows a certain cross sensitivity to CO2 as well. Deviation of the values depends on measuring specifications of the sensors as well as the gas mixture. For measurement of biogas BCP-CH4 will be calibrated in a special way to minimize cross sensitivity to CO2.
Yes, it´s possible to calculate efficiency. BlueSens sensors deliver a reliable methane value because they are integrated in the pipe close to the plant.
BCP-CH4 may not be used as safety component for gas monitoring or as gas detector. Furthermore it may not be used in explosive surroundings.
All BlueSens sensors are temperature compensated in the temperature range given. (the temperature range they have been calibrated for).
Sensor will actively try to recalibrate to the defined temperature range. When leaving the temperature range this self-calibration can no longer be guaranteed and values can deviate.
Inside the sensor there is an IR ligh source, the detector and electronic parts. IR lightbeam will be reflected by the gas inside the measuring adapter. Light is weakened by the analyte gas and will be measured by the detector.
No, BCP-CO2 doesn´t show cross sensitivities.
Electrochemical oxygen sensors can (with appropriate calibration) be used for 0-100 vol.% oxygen. Zirconium dioxide sensor shows a very low noise signal, but is limited to a smaller measuring range. PLEASE NOTE! BCP-O2 with ZrO2 element may not be used in flammable or explosive gas mixtures.
Storage temperature should be between 0 and 60°C.
In addition please note the following:
BCP-O2 has to be stored below 75% rel. humidity (without condensation)
BCP-O2ec has to be stored in 5-100% rel. Humidity (without condensation)
BCP-O2 needs a minimum of oxygen to not damage the sensor element. The minimum should be the smallest value in the measurement range. (0.1 for the measurement range up to 25 and 1 for the measurement range up to 50%). Minimum value has to be guaranteed for the complete measurement. Do not use BCP-O2 in processes without oxygen.
For processes anaerobic phases please use the BCP-O2ec
BlueSens sensors always include pressure compensation. To ensure that the pressure compensation is set to the right ranges, pressure conditions are requested during tendering phase. Working range is between 0.8 and 3 bar (absolute). This means that at an ambient pressure of 1 bar the sensor may be operated at 0.2 bar under pressure and 0.3 bar over pressure.
Depending on what is best for your process we offer different solutions. Pressure can either be measured in the multiplexer or at the BCP sensor. For closed processes we offer an external pressure sensor which will measure the pressure inside your system instead of surrounding pressure.
Depending on design and configuration the working range is between 0.8 and 1.3 bar (absolute) or 0.8 and 2 bar (absolute)
BCP sensors in aluminium case can be equipped with an external sensor. They have to be sent BlueSens and be rebuild and recalibrated.