To avoid penetration of humidity, dirt and H2S there should be a liquid trap and H2S absorber between BlueVCount and the process.
Yes, BlueVCount can be applied in many differnt processes. Please contact our sales team for more information.
Mechanics of the BlueVCount is (when used properly) almost free of maintenance. For validation of the measured volume we suggest annual maintenance. Our service will be happy to assist you.
BlueVCount is communicating via Modbus protocol and can be connected to a computer using our RS-485 cable. Connection to a process lead system (PLS) which is able to read modbus is possible. Data can be visualized and saved by BlueVis software. Interested in one of these topics? Contact our service team - they will be happy to assist.
The device should not be damaged up to a flow rate of 150 ml/min. The measured values are valid up to 80ml/min. If the BlueVCount is operated at more than 150ml/min, there is a risk that the magnetic piston will become irreversibly stuck in the upper position. In this case, the device must be sent in for repair.