A lot of waste – with potential

Columbia produces enormous amounts of waste attributed to its economic growth. Banana-, oil palm, rice and sugar industry produce huge amounts of organic waste. 7.5 million tons per year can be used for energy production in form of biogas. At the moment only 1% of the biomass are used, but this should change now and BlueSens technology will help...

In February a new project, „develoPPP.de“, between Corporación Autónoma Regional del Atlántico -C.R.A. in cooperation with the German consulting company ISEEP, FWE Energy Solutions and BlueSens gas sensor GmbH together with the Universidad de la Costa and the Universidad Simón Bolívar, and local companies startet. The energy potential of biogas produced from the organic waste in the department Atlántico should be determined. First significant results can be expected in 2021 already.

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